Local authorities and housing associations can now apply for the Government’s Social Housing Fund to carry out retrofit projects that will improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
We’ve been working with our Social Housing landlords navigate the complexities of the application process. Our experienced team has developed a deep understanding of the guidance and is well-equipped to provide expert advice on how to succeed.
We sat down with our Operations Director, Maria O’Connor to hear her insights on the new guidelines:
What is the differences between Wave 2 and Social Housing Fund?
One of the biggest misconceptions about it is that it’s simply a repeat of Wave 2. There are some major differences that social housing associations need to understand to succeed. From changes in application routes and delivery windows to new performance outcomes and cost caps.
What do you think are the KEY take homes from the new guidance?
Our team have been pouring over the guidance, and we’ve identified several key takeaways that social housing associations need to be aware of:
There are now two new routes to access funding will be the Challenge Fund and the Strategic Partnership
- The Delivery window runs to September 2028 with grant spend to March 2028
- There is a new base cost cap this is consistent across all homes
- Clean heat is incentivised with an optional low carbon heating offer
- Homes with EPC +C are included where low carbon heating is currently installed
- Mixed tenure and non-social homes can now be included and there is a removal of owner occupier contributions
- Revisiting homes from Wave 1 and the Demonstrator if there is a low carbon heating measure installed
- The minimum application size cap has been lifted for social housing landlords
Can you share a bit about how tenant engagement fits in?
The government guidelines prioritise the critical role of tenant engagement in successful project delivery. We couldn’t agree more. Our experience has shown that effective tenant engagement goes beyond leafleting and cold calling, requiring a more personal and inclusive approach.
Thanks Maria!
Here at Ecogee we’re committed to working with and helping our clients understand how to access this funding and achieve their sustainability goals. By understanding the differences between Wave 2 and Wave 3, and by prioritising tenant engagement, social housing associations can position themselves for success in this critical funding round.
We work closely with social housing landlords supporting them, free of charge, to secure this funding. If you’re a social housing provider looking to gain some insight on how you can access these funding opportunities get in touch!