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Get Warm This Winter

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A total of 500 households in the Liverpool City Region will be able to get free energy-efficient works done to their home thanks to the launch of Ecogee’s Get Warm This Winter campaign.

Ecogee will work with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority for the campaign to make changes (known as retrofit measures) to properties off the gas-grid which will reduce energy bills, reduce carbon emissions, and make homes warm for no cost at all.


From solar panels to wall insulation, the works will boost energy efficiency in housing across the Liverpool City Region and forms part of the Home Upgrade Grant Two.

If you’re interested in getting cheaper energy bills, and want to make your home more affordable, you can find out more about the campaign and how to apply, below in our Frequently Asked Questions section.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the campaign?

Ecogee’s Get Warm This Winter campaign is aiming to stamp out fuel poverty by encouraging eligible householders in the Liverpool City Region (LCR) to sign up for a new energy support grant so improvements can be made across 500 properties.

The changes, known as retrofit works, form part of Liverpool City Region’s Home Upgrade Grant 2, funded by the Government Department of Energy Security Net Zero (DESNZ). The grant aims to tackle fuel poverty in non-gas central heating properties, and boost energy efficiency in housing stock across the Liverpool City Region.

The Home Upgrade Grant 2 will ensure housing achieves Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) band C by 2035 and contributes to the LCR’s net zero carbon target of 2040.

What works will be added to my home?

Retrofit works will include a range of energy-saving solutions, from the installation of solar photovoltaics panels (PV), to cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, external and internal and under floor insulation, as well as air source heat pumps, which will aim to reduce energy bills and carbon emissions.

Who will be carrying out the works?

A specialist retrofit team from Ecogee will be carrying out the works right from the start of the application, right through to the planning phase and construction works.

Successful applicants may also receive communications from Ecogee and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

Do I have to live in the local area to get the free works?

The campaign and grant covers the entire Liverpool City Region. This includes Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, and Wirral local authorities.

Is there a limit on how much I can get done to my home?

Ecogee will send a Retrofit Assessor to undertake an eligibility assessment and organise a home energy survey before deciding what works will be carried out and when.

Ecogee will always ensure the retrofit works that are being installed aims to bring the properties EPC rating down.

Can anyone apply for the campaign?

Households wanting to apply for the campaign must meet the below conditions:

  • Properties that are identified as off the gas grid (your home does not use gas for ALL main heating purposes). Eligible heating fuel types include – liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), coal, oil, electric, smokeless fuel, propane, and gas fires.
  • Properties with an EPC band D to G
  • Owner occupiers or private rented tenants (at least one-third contribution by Private Landlord); and
  • Households’ annual income of £31,000 or below, or households living within eligible postcodes: as set by the Government.
  • Live in the local authority area

There will also be eligible postcodes across the Liverpool City Region that will automatically get access to the grant due to the change of eligibility under the new scheme rules. These households will receive a letter from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority explaining the process and next steps.

We welcome you to apply even if you are unsure that your home qualifies. If we identify that you are not suitable, we may be able to signpost you to other funding sources that are available or give advice and guidance.

When will I find out if I’ve been approved for the works?

If we identify that you are suitable for funding, we will contact you to arrange an appointment to assess your property and help identify if and what changes could be made to your home.

Due to the amount of applications, Ecogee cannot give a specific time and date for a response, however we will aim to answer all queries within two weeks of submission.

When will the works be carried out?

The programme goes live October 2023, and all works will be carried out and completed by March 2025.

What benefits are there for getting these works done?

The installation of the retrofit measures in off-gas grid properties will reduce your energy bills, reduce carbon emissions, and make your home warmer for the winter.

You can expect to save between £175 and £800 a year on your energy bills, depending on what retrofit measures are installed in your property.

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